About the Film
"Released" is a powerful 45-minute documentary that was conceptualized in 2013 to address the experiences of individuals formerly involved in the criminal justice system. Often, these individuals have participated in job development programs intended to prepare and connect them with employment opportunities. However, opportunities for meaningful and sustainable employment are frequently scarce.
The film challenges us to reflect on how we view returning citizens. It confronts how people released from prison continue to pay for the mistakes of their past while still holding out hope for the future.
Meet the Director
Forrest Tuff is a Georgia native, entrepreneur, filmmaker, author, and humanitarian. In 2004, he started One Vision Productions, an award-winning multimedia production agency. The company is a recipient of the Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Marketplace Ethics and named one of Atlanta's "Best and Brightest Companies to Work For" by the National Association of Business Resources.
Tuff became a partner with the United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Georgia in 2013. He volunteered his services by documenting various community events and programs. In 2015, he received the USAO's prestigious Community Outreach Award. When the opportunity presented itself to co-produce and direct this documentary, Tuff was elated to spearhead the project.
Tuff has hired re-integrating citizens and believes the subject matter of "Released" is a timely topic that will serve as a call-to-action for many business owners.
Director Forrest Tuff with Governor Nathan Deal